Thursday, 21 October 2010

More exciting classes !

Hi everyone
Whilst Lori has been taking it easy and partying hard back in Georgia usa, I have been busy working on the shop.  from the outside things don't look very different but my lovely hubby Geoff has been busy rewirering, plastering and sanding ready for Lori and I to get on with the painting when she gets back.  The kitchen is all sorted ready for our cookery classes and for Lori to get baking those Fab fattening cakes she keeps feeding me. I am blaming her for my thickening waist !!!
We have some more exciting classes and workshops booked, Decorate your own christmas cake, card making for adults and little tenderfeet and a magical fairy party on saturday 4th december for all those little sparkley girls of yours. Also christmas wreath and table arrangements workshops. So for all you domestic godesses you will be fully prepared for a truly homemade christmas !  Details of these and more will soon be featured on the website and available to book.

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